Film Festival With a Mission Seeks Advisory Members
The One Earth Film Fest, to be conducted from March 6
through 15, 2020, is seeking individuals to serve on the Youth Advisory
Council. It meets once or twice a month to review, evaluate and select films,
discuss strategies for incorporating environmental issues and attract youth to
the festival.
The One Earth Film Festival Youth Advisory Council is
being funded as part of It’s Our Future, a project developed by Seven Generations
Ahead in collaboration with community partners as part of the Oak Park River
Forest Community Foundation’s BIG IDEA competition. It’s Our Future was
selected as one of five projects to make a live Shark Tank-style
pitch on March 13, 2019, and won the $50,000 award. Partners include the OPRFHS
Environmental Club; the One Earth Film Festival; and the Doris
Davenport Radio Show.
The impetus behind the project is that adults have
created an environmental mess that is wreaking havoc on our planet and its
inhabitants, and many will be long gone when the damage gets to be
catastrophic. The people that will be around to bear the brunt of current
decisions and lack of action on the issue of climate change are the children,
their children and beyond. It’s Our Future is designed to alert our youth to
this reality, build their leadership skills and equip them to take action.
Applications are due by Dec. 31, 2019. For more information,